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Friday, October 11, 2013

Engineering College admissions through JEE 2014 - 2015

Engineering College admissions through JEE 2014 - 2015

ADMISSIONS to first year engineering in Maharashtra would be done through Joint Engineering Entrance test (JEE). henceforth. This was supposed to be done last year but the State Government had then decided to conduct its own CET.
Central Government's Human Resource Development Department had decided to conduct engineering admissions through Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) from year 2013-14. The admissions were for IIT and self-financed educational institutions. Since year. 2004-05. the admissions to Medical. Engineering and Pharmacy courses were conducted through Combined Common Entrance Test. It was there till 2012-13.
Directorate of Technical Education.

Maharashtra stuck to its own CET for admission to the academic year 2013- 2014. However, from next year State Government has decided 10 make engineering admissions through JEE. This common entrance lesi may bring transparency. Earlier, students had to appear in various tests. Now (hey would appear in JEE only. It will save money. time and physical labour of students. The study group constituted by Central
Government had made some recommendations. State Government has taken these recommendations and suggestions by Central Government into consideration and decided to participate in JEE.

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